Yessica Pontet
M-in-M grant recipient July 2023
"I am honored and grateful that my application for the M-in-M Programme was approved for funding. I consider that this programme is a great incentive for today's young gastroenterologists to improve our research skills and to provide innovative tools for celiac patients. The mentorship of an international well-known expert is an essential contribution. As a Uruguayan physician, networking will also be very important for my career. I once again express my gratitude to the ISSCD for this opportunity, to Dr. María Inés Pinto-Sánchez for accepting to be my mentor and to Prof Carolina Olano and Associate Prof Virginia López for supporting me unconditionally at Hospital de Clínicas of Uruguay."
- Yessica Pontet, Hospital de Clinicas, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Maria Ines Pinto-Sanchez, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada