About Membership

About Membership

Membership of the ISSCD is FREE and open to professionals and organisations working in the field of celiac disease and gluten mediated human disease and are willing to support the aims of the ISSCD.

The Membership of the ISSCD shall be of five types without any restriction on number:

Fellow members (voting)

Requires formal application and approval by the ISSCD Board. A Fellow member is an Individual member who in addition meets the criteria listed below:  

  • More than five years membership of ISSCD
  • More than a decade of working in the field of celiac disease and/or gluten mediated disease
  • All current and former Board members will automatically be offered Fellow membership

To apply for Fellow membership an Individual member must additionally provide an expression of interest to become a Fellow, a copy of their CV and a list of their publications.    

Individual members (voting)

  • Healthcare professional (Physician, GP…)
  • Researcher, Scientist.. (Prof. PhD)
  • Lecturer, Educator.. (Prof. PhD)
  • Allied healthcare professional… (Nurse, Dietitian, Pharmacist)
  • MSc, PhD and Post Docs

Patient (and other non profit) organization members (non voting)

  • Patient organisations may have up to a maximum five representative (non voting) members. This may include e.g. the CEO, Fundraising Manager, Public Affairs… this is not an exhaustive list.
  • Employees at a patient organization who are actively involved in CD research or healthcare of people with CD may apply as an individual member. Membership is not guaranteed but will be approved by the ISSCD Board on a bespoke basis.
  • Patient organizations may be a member of a maximum 2 committees but may not Chair or co-Chair a committee except for the Patient Organisation Committee.

Institutional members; universities, clinics (non voting)

An institution may apply for membership of the ISSCD. One or more of the following criteria must be met to be considered for institutional membership:

  • Providing healthcare to individuals with coeliac disease that meets the requirements of national or international guidelines
  • Active research unit with publications in peer reviewed journals, in the area of celiac disease and / or the gluten free diet.
  • Providing education
  • Dedicated clinics that include physician/s and registered dietitian/s trained in celiac disease care
  • NOT individual private practices

An institution cannot be a member of a committee but an employee within an institution may become an individual member of ISSCD if they meet the right criteria and they may then apply to be a member of a committee,

Industry members; commercial organizations e.g. pharma, food, biotech, diagnostics (non voting)

  • Industry (commercial organisations) may have up to a maximum five representative (non voting) members.
  • Employees within industry who are separately and independently also actively involved in celiac disease research or healthcare of people with CD may apply as an individual member. Membership is not guaranteed but will be approved by the ISSCD Board on a bespoke basis.
  • Industry representatives may be a member of a committee but may not Chair or co-Chair a committee. It is important that the ISSCD remains independent and impartial.

The Membership is FREE. If you would like to join the ISSCD please fill in the Membership online application form.

Your application will be reviewed by the Board and you will receive an acceptance email with membership number.

If you have any questions about Membership of the ISSCD please contact: